![]() Thanks for dropping by the new meme, BlogMaze. I hope that you will participate and that you'll enjoy creating your own BlogMazes. Please see the right column for instructions on how to create your own BlogMaze. bitchalicious.com Em Tasol Frazzled.Org It's All Greek To Me Just a Girl in the World piscespeach Pretty Geek Scribble Scrabble Sweet Surprise wild fl0w3r |
Princess BlogMaze is out of town at a family reunion. Trust me, she'd much rather be here posting a new BlogMaze for you. But feel free to use another site below to do a BlogMaze this week. Have you made a BlogMaze? Let us know here:
http://itsallaboutde.mu.nu/ http://www.redsugar.com/muse/ Have you made a BlogMaze? Let us know here:
Sorry I haven't been updating this - please accept my apologies and know that I'll be posting a BlogMaze every Saturday from now on! I had to concentrate on school, which finished yesterday (woohoo!). With that being said, here are your BlogMaze choices for today: http://www.undercaffeinated.com/ http://www.atypicalfemale.com/ Have you made a BlogMaze? Let us know here:
http://enthusiasticclaire.blogspot.com/ http://www.southerntwilight.com/blog/ Have you made a BlogMaze? Let us know here:
http://kristielicious.com/ http://www.hunny-hive.com/ Have you made a BlogMaze? Let us know here:
Here are your beginning blog choices for this week's BlogMaze. Enjoy, have fun, and report back! http://www.mikeandjenifer.com/jen/blog http://alwaysvictoria.com Have you made a BlogMaze? Let us know here:
Otto Site So Very Posh These are some fabulous blogs to start with. Have fun and report back! |
1) Each Saturday morning (or sometimes Friday night), 3 new BlogMaze beginning blogs will be posted here.
2) Choose one of the 3 beginning blogs to start with, and click on it to visit. 3) From that person's blog, choose one of the blogs that they have listed on their blogroll. 4) Repeat #3 as many times as you choose. (For example: You visit Barbie's blog, and she has a link to Bob's blog. You visit Bob's blog, and he has a link to Betty's blog. And so on.) 5) In your blog tool, begin a post and write down something interesting about each person's blog you visit. It can be about their design, about a specific post they have written, or anything you wish. Just remember to be nice - don't make fun of anyone's blog. This is for fun and for making new blogging friends. 6) When you have posted your BlogMaze, make sure you leave a comment here so we can come and check out all the places you've been. 7) The number of blogs you visit is up to you. Anywhere from 5 to 10 is probably a good number to do, but it's totally your call. You can do a 110 blog long BlogMaze. Or just 2. Whatever. 8) If you have questions, please email me, and I will help guide you through the BlogMaze. |
[BlogSkins] [Blogger] [Blogwise] [Blogarama] [HaloScan] [Maystar][Josie's Dollz] [Angelique] [HTML Goodies] [EasyRGB] [Crack's Smilies] [I Am Pariah] |